jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2009

sitios de interes

Tourist Attractions
In the city of Arauca there are scenarios of historical, cultural and tourism. To quote a few interesting sites.
- Malecon Eco tourism
- The Pool Aguaparque
- The Forum Los Libertadores
- El Puente José Antonio Páez
- The Pool Femar
- The Colosseum Covered
- Municipal Stadium
- The Municipal Velodrome
- The Square Fair
- Airport Santiago Perez Quiroz
- El Parque Caldas
- El Parque Simón Bolívar
- The Academy of History of Arauca
- Laguna Piquetierra
Among the monuments of great historical value are: the Monument to Cole, the Monumento a la música llanera the memorial on July 16 and de1816 Male Ranger Monument

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