jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2009

gastronomia casanare

The Eastern Plains also have a wide variety of dishes that identify themselves. Make use of a letter culinary identity is safe for foreigners and descrestar own but keep a small kitchen manual that is useful for all, contribute to growth in the customs of the nation.

Due to the richness of the fauna from the plain, are mainly used species such as wild duck, armadillo, the paca, deer, capybara, the stifle, the tapir and the tortoise, and a wide variety of fish .

The Mamona or Veal Llanera
Baldy Ranger Duck stew
Roasted Cachicamo
Hayaca Creole
The coyote or Bastimento
Creole Stuffed
Morrocoy carpaccio
The Baba Pisillo a la Criolla
The Pisillo of Chiguiro or Chigüire
The cachapas jojoto or sweet corn.
Coporo sweaty (fish)
Chanfaina (liver, little bird, bofe, heart)
Fresh eggs terecay
Dulce de leche
Empantalonado of tortoise or terrapin
Gavan fried (chicken)
Bandages broth or stew (fish)
Pigeon duck stew
Baba egg cake (a kind of alligator or Cachira)
Pisillo deer
The traditional chicken-or Bastimento

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