jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2009


Info: Hotel Hayboré:: Yopal, Casanare - Colombia - Casanare, Venezuela:
Desc: Located in the best strategic point of the city, surrounded by the financial empire and the commercial area, next to government institutions and departments,
and 15 minutes.


Desc: Yopal / Aguazul / Chámeza / Hato Corozal / Peanut / Monterrey Nunchía / Orocue / Peace Ariporo / Pore / Receiver / Sabanalarga San Luis de Palanque / Tamara / Tauramena / Trinidad / Villanueva

Info: HOTEL RESIDENCE LAS VILLAS Ariporo PEACE - Casanare, Venezuela:

Desc: venpermuto city hotel in peaceful casanare Ariporo Colombia a. beautiful hotel, residential villas hear bargain deals!

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