jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2009



The Joropo

Dance in which couples dance each independently and are independently able to do when you want the three fundamental steps: "the valsiao" which are large and slow movements, "the escobillao" shuffling and movement that makes only women "the zapatiao" moves very fast and strong that only performed by men.


The man wears a suit of dairy and rural women as a current without any luxury, not shown. The owners of the herds, which are generally white, dress Liqui liqui while mestizos simple wear suits in fabrics such as poplin and calico for women, with simple designs. The men also used cotizas, dark slacks and light colored shirts and the traditional Ranger hat,

The women put makeup with very soft colors. When it comes to partying public demonstration, dancing partners use their traditional attire: flowered skirt below the knee, a white blouse for women. Rolled up black pants, white shirt and hat brimmed filter for man, they both use black cotizas.

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